Brinda Parekh was seen in the Bollywood arena in ‘Corporate’ and the girl definitely caught the attention of the producers. Brinda is a known name in South India as she has blockbusters like ‘Pokkiri’ in Tamil and ‘Buddhivanta’ in Kannada to her credit. Now, the dusky curvaceous beauty is back in Bollywood as she plays the lead negative role in Vipul Shah’s ‘London Dreams’ starring Salman Khan and Asin.
Owing to her complexion, curves and looks, Brinda has always been compared to the dusky Bong beauty Bipasha Basu and she has no qualms about it. Instead she feels proud about it saying, “It feels nice because I think Bipasha is extremely talented and very good looking. I consider her as my mentor. It will take me a very long time to get to where she is!”
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